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We live by our Four Core Values

The coaching staff have an important responsibility to model high standards of behaviour, both in their dealings with the children and with each other, as their example has an important influence on the children.


At JC Sport we expect everyone to meet our expectations.

Participants are expected to arrive promptly (9:30am) and parents are welcome to stay and watch training sessions. 


Pupils participating should have the following:

  •  Astro turf football boots, studs or moulds depending on weather.

  • Practical clothing (shorts t-shirt tracksuit).

  • Shin pads.

  • Bottle of water or non-fizzy energy drink.


At JC Sport, pupils are rewarded for displaying our core values (sportsmanship, resilience, leadership and excellence).


•  All children are grouped into three mixed ability teams – each with their own reward systems.

•  Rewards will be given at the end of month during Special Mentions on the Saturday closing session

•  Rewards are given for displaying our core values and 100% attendance over the 4 weeks (depending on weather conditions).

Man of the Match

At the end of each session, a ‘Man of the match’ from each group is selected based on their attitude and performance throughout the session.

Coach's Player Medal

At the end of each calendar month, coaches acknowledge one person from their group displaying our core values consistently throughout the month and is rewarded with the ‘Coach’s Player Medal’.

Captain's arm band

The captain arm band rotates each fortnight and is selected by the previous ‘Group Captain’.

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